Oliver Roche-Newton
Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria
Academic Employment
March 2022 - present: Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz.
January 2018 - February 2022: Johann Radon Institute of Computation and Applied Mathematics, Linz.
August 2016 - January 2018: Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz.
July 2015 - July 2016: University of Wuhan, China.
July 2014 - June 2015: Johann Radon Institute of Computation and Applied Mathematics, Linz.
October 2013 - June 2014: EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Reading, UK.
July 2013 - October 2013: Visiting Researcher, Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest.
October 2009 - June 2013: PhD Mathematics, University of Bristol under the supervision of Misha Rudnev.
October 2008 - June 2009: Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (also known as Part III of the Mathematical Tripos and Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics), Wolfson College, University of Cambridge.
September 2005 - June 2008: BSc Mathematics, University of Manchester.
Grants and Awards
March 2024 - March 2027: Principal Investigator for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant entitled “The Elekes-Szabó Problem”. The grant has a budget of € 364,800.
2022: Awarded the Förderungspreise of the Austrian Mathematical Society
March 2021 - September 2024: Principal Investigator for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant entitled “Sums, Products, and Growth of Sets”. The grant has a budget of € 397,708.
September 2017 - September 2021: Co-Author (with PI Arne Winterhof) for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant entitled “Additive Combinatorics in Finite Fields”. The grant had a budget of € 388,203.
See publications and preprints page.
Selected Talks
Austria-China Discrete Mathematics Workshop, RICAM, Linz - December 2024
FIM Kolloquium Talk, Universität Passau - July 2024
Meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society (Plenary Talk), University of Graz - September 2023
Korea-Taiwan-Vietnam Joint Meeting on Discrete Geometry and Geometric Measure Theory, Hanoi - July 2023
Mini Workshop of Finite Fields and Applications, RICAM, Linz - June 2023
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Seminar, ISTA Vienna - March 2023
Number Theory Day, TU Graz - December 2022
Korea-Taiwan-Vietnam Joint Seminar - September 2022
British Combinatorial Conference 2022, Mini Symposium on Additive Combinatorics, Lancaster University - July 2022
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory Seminar, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, via Zoom - October 2021
Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting, Zoom Conference - June 2021
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT 2021), Zoom Conference - May 2021
HUJI Combinatorics Seminar, Einstein Institute of Mathematics - March 2021
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT 2020), Zoom Conference - May 2020
Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation Seminar, London School of Economics - February 2020
Combinatorics, Probability and Algorithms Seminar, Birmingham University - February 2020
Geometry and Topology Seminar, IST Vienna - October 2019
Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University - September 2019
Geometry Seminar, CUNY, New York - September 2019
Discrete Analysis Seminar, University of Cambridge - May 2019
Number Theory Seminar, University of Manchester - May 2019
Combinatorics Seminar, University of Warwick - May 2019
Workshop and Winter School on Local Statistics of Point Sequences, Linz - February 2019
The Second Vietnam Workshop on Graph Theory and Discrete Geometry, Hanoi - January 2019
Pseudorandomness and Finite Fields Workshop, RICAM, Linz - October 2018
Forum Talk, RISC, Hagenburg - June 2018
Symposium on Computational Geometry, Budapest - June 2018
Invited Lecture, EPFL, Lausanne - February 2018
Extremal Problems in Combinatorial Geometry Workshop, BIRS, Banff - February 2018
Heilbronn Seminar, University of Bristol - October 2017
Discrepancy Theory and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods Workshop, ESI, Vienna - September 2017
The Music of Numbers: a conference in honour of Javier Cilluerelo, Madrid - September 2017
Vilnius Conference in Combinatorics and Number Theory - July 2017
Combinatorial and Computational Geometry Reunion Conference II, Lake Arrowhead, California - December 2016
Combinatorics Seminar, University of Bristol - November 2016
Conference on Elementary and Analytic Number Theory (ELAZ), Strobl, Austria - September 2016
Diophantine Analysis and Related Topics Conference, Wuhan University - March 2016
Number Theory Seminar, Rényi Institute - February 2016
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory Conference, Graz - January 2016
Combinatorial and Computational Geometry Reunion Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California - December 2015
China-Russia Workshop on Exponential Sums and Sumsets, Beijing - November 2015
Colloquium Lecture, National Central University of Taiwan - October 2015
Additive Combinatorics in Marseille, CIRM, Luminy - September 2015
Symposium on Computational Geometry, TU Eindhoven - June 2015
Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Chalmers University, Gothenburg - April 2015
Computer Mathematics Seminar, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing - January 2015
Invited Lecture, Center for Combinatorics, Nankai - January 2015
Invited Lecture, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - October 2014
Colloquium Lecture, Chung-Ang University, Seoul - August 2014
International Conference on Combinatorics and Graphs, Beijing Jiao Tong University - August 2014
Algebraic Techniques for Combinatorial and Computational Geometry Seminar, IPAM, Los Angeles - May 2014
Unlikely Intersections Workshop, CIRM, Luminy - February 2014
Finite Fields Workshop, RICAM, Linz - December 2013
Combinatorics Seminar, University of Warwick - October 2013
Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of Reading - October 2013
Number Theory Seminar, Rényi Institute - September 2013
Invited Lecture, University of Rochester - July 2012
Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference, University of Bristol - April 2012
Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference, University of Warwick - April 2011
Teaching Experience
- October 2024 - March 2024: JKU Linz, Lecturer for Mathematics for AI 1
- March 2024 - June 2024: JKU Linz, Lecturer for Discrete Mathematics
- October 2023 - March 2024: JKU Linz, Lecturer for Mathematics for AI 3
- March 2023 - June 2023: JKU Linz, Lecturer for Mathematics for AI 2
- October 2022 - March 2023: JKU Linz. Lecturer for Mathematics for AI 1
- March 2022 - June 2022: JKU Linz, Lecture course on Graph Theory
March 2022 - June 2022: JKU Linz, Exercise classes for Mathematics for AI 2
October 2021 - March 2022: JKU Linz, Lecturer for Mathematics for AI 3
March 2021 - June 2021: JKU Linz, Lecturer for Einführung in die Zahlentheorie (in German)
October 2020 - March 2021: JKU Linz. Teacher for course on Differential Equations (in German)
March - June 2020: JKU Linz. Lecturer for course on Probablistic Methods
October 2018 - March 2019: JKU, Linz, Lecturer for course on Graph Theory
March - June 2017: JKU Linz. Lecturer for course on Additive Combinatorics
February 2016 - June 2016: Wuhan University. Lecturer for first year Linear Algebra course and fourth year Graph Theory course
October 2014 - January 2015: JKU Linz. Lecturer for third year course on Boolean functions
October 2013 - June 2014: University of Reading. 3rd year project supervisor and 1st year tutor
January 2010 - June 2013: University of Bristol. Teaching Support Assistant
Supervision Experience
- I have supervised PhD students Audie Warren (who completed his PhD in December 2020) and Krishnendu Bhowmick (who completed his PhD in October 2024). I am currently supervisor to Michalis Kokkinos.
- I have acted as supervisor for six postdocs; Krishnendu Bhowmick, Jakob Führer, Mehdi Makhul, Sophie Stevens, Audie Warren and Dmitrii Zhelezov.
- Supervisor for summer research internships of Benedek Dombos (2019), Miriam Patry (2022 and 2024), Laura Dilly (2023) and Paul Hametner (2024). I also supervised Paul Hametner's bachelor thesis.
- Supervisor for the Masters Thesis of Timo Reichert: Completed and defended in February 2024. I am currently supervising Paul Hametner's masters thesis.
- I was an examiner for the PhD defence of Eriola Hoxhaj at JKU Linz. I have acted as an external examiner for the masters defences of Tom Slattery (University of Bristol), Kelly D'Anto (EPFL Lausanne) and Etienne Petit (EPFL Lausanne).
Other duties
Organiser of minisymposium on Additive Combinatorics at the upcoming meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society.
Organiser of a training and selection camp for the Ukrainian International Mathematical Olympiad Team, which took place at Ricam/JKU in June 2022.
Organiser of Bristol-Linz Workshop which took place at Ricam in May 2022.
Organiser of the Mini Workshop on Additive Combinatorics, which formed part of the 2018 RICAM Special Semester on Multivariate Algorithms and their Foundations in Number Theory.
Organiser of the reading group on the Polynomial Method at JKU, September 2016 - October 2018.
Organiser of the seminar series which formed part of the semester long program on Algebraic Techniques for Combinatorial and Compuational Geometry Seminar, IPAM, March-June 2014
I have acted as a referee for 30+ journals as well as multiple conference proceedings and grant applications. I have written 70+ reviews for MathSciNet and ZBMath.
A more detailed CV is available upon request.